anychart.enums.A11yMode | Accessibility mode. |
anychart.enums.AggregationType | Aggregation type for table columns. |
anychart.enums.Align | Align enumeration. |
anychart.enums.Anchor | Anchor enum. Defines 9 items.
anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes | Annotations type. |
anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod | Availability period for calendar. |
anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType | Types of the corner. |
anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType | Predefined bullet marker type. |
anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType | Cartesian 3d series types. |
anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType | Cartesian series types. |
anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode | Data export mode enum. |
anychart.enums.ChartScrollerPosition | ChartScroller possible positions. |
anychart.enums.ColumnFormats | Column formatting presets. |
anychart.enums.ConnectorType | Connection types. |
anychart.enums.CrosshairDisplayMode | Display mode for crosshair. |
anychart.enums.Cursor | Cursor enum. Defines 19 items. |
anychart.enums.DataField | Pert reserved names of field in data. |
anychart.enums.ErrorMode | Series error mode enumeration. |
anychart.enums.EventType | Event types enumeration. |
anychart.enums.FontStyle | Font style enumeration. |
anychart.enums.FontVariant | Font variant enumeration. |
anychart.enums.GanttDataFields | Gantt reserved names of field in data items. |
anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers | Gantt Date Time scale markers. |
anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor | Gantt range anchor. |
anychart.enums.GaugeScaleTypes | List of all scale types. |
anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition | Gauges elements position relative axis. |
anychart.enums.HAlign | Horizontal align enum. |
anychart.enums.HoverMode | Hover mode enumeration. |
anychart.enums.Interval | Interval enumeration. |
anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode | Display mode for labels. |
anychart.enums.LabelsOverlapMode | Overlap modes. |
anychart.enums.Layout | Layout enumeration. |
anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType | Predefined icons type. |
anychart.enums.LegendItemsSourceMode | Data collection mode for the legend. |
anychart.enums.LegendLayout | Legend layout enumeration. |
anychart.enums.LegendPositionMode | Legend position mode enumeration. |
anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType | List of all linear gauge pointers type. |
anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat | Locale date time interval format names. |
anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode | Modes enum for mapAsTable function. |
anychart.enums.MapGridZIndex | Grid z-index.
anychart.enums.MapProjections | Supported projections enum. |
anychart.enums.MapSeriesType | Map series types. |
anychart.enums.MapUnboundRegionsMode | Map unbound regions mode. |
anychart.enums.MarkerType | Markers type. |
anychart.enums.MekkoSeriesType | Mekko series types. |
anychart.enums.MilestoneShape | Milestones shape. |
anychart.enums.MovingAverageType | Smoothing Types Enum. |
anychart.enums.Orientation | Orientation enumeration. |
anychart.enums.PointState | The list of point states. |
anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType | Polar series types. |
anychart.enums.Position | Position enum. Defines 9 items. Similar to Anchor. Distinct by meaning.
anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition | Labels position for the funnel chart and pyramid. |
anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType | Radar series types. |
anychart.enums.RadialGridLayout | Layout for radial and polar grids. |
anychart.enums.ScaleCompareWithMode | Enum for predefined part of LinearScale.compareWith() acceptable values. |
anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode | Enum for scale comparison mode. |
anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode | Scale stack mode enumeration. |
anychart.enums.ScaleTypes | List of all scale types. |
anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes | List of all scale types for scatter chart. |
anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType | Scatter series types. |
anychart.enums.ScatterTicksMode | Scatter ticks mode enum. |
anychart.enums.SelectionMode | Selection mode enumeration. |
anychart.enums.ShapeType | Shape type. |
anychart.enums.SidePosition | Ticks position (inside ot outside). |
anychart.enums.Sort | Sort enumeration. |
anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType | List of all series types. See method at: anychart.charts.Sparkline#type |
anychart.enums.Statistics | Statistics enumeration. |
anychart.enums.StepDirection | Step direction. |
anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode | Overlap modes. |
anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor | Stock range anchor. |
anychart.enums.StockRangeType | Stock period range type. |
anychart.enums.StockSeriesType | Stock series types. |
anychart.enums.StringToken | String token enumeration. |
anychart.enums.TableSearchMode | Enum for data table search modes. |
anychart.enums.TagCloudMode | Tag cloud mode. |
anychart.enums.TextParsingMode | Text parsing mode. |
anychart.enums.TextWrap | Text wrap settings enumeration. |
anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode | Time tracking mode. |
anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode | Tooltip display mode settings. |
anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode | Tooltip position mode. |
anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod | Data fill method. |
anychart.enums.VAlign | Vertical align enum. |
anychart.enums.WaterfallDataMode | List of waterfall chart data modes. |