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[enum] anychart.enums.EventTypeImprove this Doc

Event types enumeration.
Animation event types
animationEndThe type of event to finish the animation.
Works for all charts that use the anychart.core.Chart#animation method.
animationStartThe type of event to start the animation.
Works for all charts that use the anychart.core.Chart#animation method.
Annotation event types
annotationChangeEvent type for the annotation change.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
annotationChangeFinishEvent type for the annotation change finish.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
annotationChangeStartEvent type for the annotation change start.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
annotationDrawingFinishEvent type for the annotation drawing finish.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
annotationSelectEvent type for the annotation select.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
annotationUnselectEvent type for the annotation deselect.
Works for all charts that use the .annotations() method.
Axis marker events types
axisMarkerMoveEvent type for axis marker at mouse move.
Works only with the Gantt line marker, Gantt range marker, Gantt text marker and Line marker, Range marker, Text marker.
axisMarkerOutEvent type for axis marker at mouse out.
Works only with the Gantt line marker, Gantt range marker, Gantt text marker and Line marker, Range marker, Text marker.
axisMarkerOverEvent type for axis marker at mouse hover.
Works only with the Gantt line marker, Gantt range marker, Gantt text marker and Line marker, Range marker, Text marker.
Chart drawing event type
chartDrawEvent type for chart drawing.
Connectors event types
connectorClickEvent type for the connector at mouse click.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorDblclickEvent type for the connector at mouse double click.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorMouseDownEvent type for the connector at mouse down.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorMouseMoveEvent type for the connector at mouse move.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorMouseOutEvent type for the connector at mouse out.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorMouseOverEvent type for the connector at mouse over.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorMouseUpEvent type for the connector at mouse up.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
connectorSelectEvent type for the connector select.
The event type for the Gantt timeline connector.
Data changed event type
dataChangedEvent type when the data changes.
The event is called when the chart engine determines there is nothing to show, it may happen when there is no data in a data set, no points in a series, series are hidden or excluded and "No data" label is about to show (or hide).
Function context contains the "hasData" field that shows whether it is the "show" or "hide" situation.
Learn more about "No data" feature
Data tree CRUD event types
treeItemCreateData tree CRUD event type for tree item create.
The treeItemCreate event is dispatched when a new tree data item is created
treeItemMoveData tree CRUD event type for tree item move.
The data tree dispatches the treeItemMove event when the Gantt chart tree structure is changed.
treeItemRemoveData tree CRUD event type for tree item remove.
When an object is removed, the Gantt tree dispatches the treeItemRemove even.
treeItemUpdateData tree CRUD event type for tree item update.
The treeItemUpdate event will be dispatched by the data tree when anything is changed.
Drag event types
dragEvent type for dragging a legend.
dragEndEvent type to stop dragging the legend.
dragStartEvent type to start dragging the legend.
Drill Change event type
drillChangeEvent type for the drill change.
Works with the Sunburst, TreeMap and Map.
Editor event types
editorCompleteThe "editorComplete" event is dispatched when the "Complete" button is pressed. Event is used in the chart editor
To work with the Chart Editor you need to reference the extension file from AnyChart CDN (example for the versioned file:
Sample for the "editorComplete" event
var editor = anychart.editor();

// Create an event listener for the editorComplete event/.
editor.listen('editorComplete', function()
      { // do something}
See sample at
Event marker types
eventMarkersHoverEvent type for hover on markers.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkersSelectEvent type for select on markers.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerClickEvent type for the marker at mouse click.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerDblClickEvent type for the marker at mouse double click.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerMouseDownEvent type for the marker at mouse down.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerMouseMoveEvent type for the marker at mouse move.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerMouseOutEvent type for the marker at mouse over.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerMouseOverEvent type for the marker at mouse over.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
eventMarkerMouseUpEvent type for the marker at mouse up.
Works with the event markers in Stock and Plot.
Gantt event types
beforeCreateConnectorThe event type before creating the connector. Works only with the anychart.charts.Gantt#editing method. Learn more about beforeCreateConnector
rowClickDispatched when mouse click event happened. The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowCollapseExpandDispatched when an item that contains other items expands or collapses.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowDblClickDispatched when mouse double click event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowMouseDownDispatched when mouse down event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowMouseMoveDispatched when mouse over event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowMouseOutDispatched when mouse out event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowMouseOverDispatched when mouse over event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowMouseUpDispatched when mouse up event happened.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
rowSelectDispatched when some row is selected.
The event type for the datagrid row of the anychart#ganttProject and anychart#ganttResource charts.
Legend item event types
legendItemClickEvent type for an item of legend at mouse click.
legendItemDblclickEvent type for an item of legend at mouse double-click.
legendItemMouseDownEvent type for an item of legend at mouse down.
legendItemMouseMoveEvent type for an item of legend at mouse move.
legendItemMouseOutEvent type for an item of legend at mouse out.
legendItemMouseOverEvent type for an item of legend at mouse over.
legendItemMouseUpEvent type for an item of legend at mouse up.
Map zoom event types
zoomEvent type for the zoom.
Dispatches when user changes a zoom.
Works only with the Maps.
zoomEndEvent type for the zoom end.
Dispatches when user finishes changing a zoom.
Works only with the Maps.
zoomStartEvent type for the zoom start.
Dispatches when user starts changing a zoom.
Works only with the Maps.
Marquee event types
selectMarqueeChangeEvent type for the select marquee change.
Dispatched when rectangle marquee changes.
Works only with .startSelectRectangleMarquee() method.
selectMarqueeFinishEvent type for the select marquee finish.
Dispatched when the drawing of the rectangle has been finished.
Works only with .startSelectRectangleMarquee() method.
selectMarqueeStartEvent type for the select marquee start.
Dispatched when rectangle marquee begins to be drawn.
Works only with .startSelectRectangleMarquee() method.
Point event types
pointsHoverEvent type for hover on points.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointsSelectEvent type for select on points.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointClickEvent type for click on point.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointDblclickThe type of event for double-clicking a point.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointMouseDownEvent type for point at mouse down.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointMouseMoveEvent type for point at mouse move.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointMouseOutEvent type for point at mouse out.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointMouseOverEvent type for point at mouse over.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
pointMouseUpEvent type for point at mouse up.
Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method.
Polygon event types
selectPolygonChangeEvent type for polygon selection change.
Dispatched when the polygon has been changed.
Works only with .startSelectPolygonMarquee() method.
selectPolygonFinishEvent type for the polygon selection finish.
Dispatched when the drawing of the polygon has been finished.
Works only with .startSelectPolygonMarquee() method.
selectPolygonStartEvent type for polygon selection start.
Dispatched when the drawing of the polygon has been started.
Works only with .startSelectPolygonMarquee() method.
Scroller event types
scrollerChangeThe event type for scroller bar change.
scrollerChangeFinishEvent type for scroller bar change finish.
scrollerChangeStartThe event type for scroller bar change start.
Stock event types
selectedRangeBeforeChangeEvent type for selected range before change.
Dispatches before user changes the selected range of the scroller.
Works only with the Stock.
selectedRangeChangeEvent type for selected range change.
Dispatches when user changes a scroller somehow, on mouseMove event.
Works only with the Stock.
selectedRangeChangeFinishEvent type for selected range change finish.
Dispatches when user releases the mouse button and finishes the scroller change, on mouseUp event.
Works only with the Stock.
selectedRangeChangeStartEvent type for selected range change start.
Dispatches when user starts changing a scroller, on mouseDown event.
Works only with the Stock.