class anychart.core.utils.Margin Improve this Doc
Extends: anychart.core.Base
Stores margins values. Can accept numbers and strings. Use anychart.core.utils.Margin#set method to set values.
Methods Overview
Specific settings | |
set() | Sets all offsets. |
Events | |
listen() | Adds an event listener. |
listenOnce() | Adds a single time event listener. |
removeAllListeners() | Removes all listeners. |
unlisten() | Removes the listener. |
unlistenByKey() | Removes the listener by the key. |
Size and Position | |
bottom() | Getter for the bottom space. |
left() | Getter for the left space. |
right() | Getter for the right space. |
top() | Getter for the top space. |
Methods Description
Getter for the bottom space.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
number | string - The bottom space.Try it:
Setter for the bottom space.
Name | Type | Description |
value | number | string | null | Value to set. |
anychart.core.utils.Margin - Self instance for method chaining.Try it:
Getter for the left space.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
number | string - The left space.Try it:
Setter for the left space.
Name | Type | Description |
value | number | string | null | Value to set. |
anychart.core.utils.Margin - Self instance for method chaining.Try it:
Adds an event listener to an implementing object.
Detailed description
The listener can be added to an object once, and if it is added one more time, its key will be returned.
Note Notice that if the existing listener is one-off (added using listenOnce), it will cease to be such after calling the listen() method.
Note Notice that if the existing listener is one-off (added using listenOnce), it will cease to be such after calling the listen() method.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type | string | The event type id. | |
listener | function | Callback method. Function that looks like function(event){
// event.actualTarget - actual event target
// event.currentTarget - current event target
// event.iterator - event iterator
// event.originalEvent - original event
// event.point - event point
// event.pointIndex - event point index
} . | |
useCapture | boolean | false | Whether to fire in capture phase. Learn more about capturing |
listenerScope | Object | Object in whose scope to call the listener. |
Object - Unique key for the listener.Try it:
Adds an event listener to an implementing object.
Detailed description
After the event is called, its handler will be deleted.
If the event handler being added already exists, listenOnce will do nothing.
Note In particular, if the handler is already registered using listen(), listenOnce() will not make it one-off. Similarly, if a one-off listener already exists, listenOnce will not change it (it wil remain one-off).
If the event handler being added already exists, listenOnce will do nothing.
Note In particular, if the handler is already registered using listen(), listenOnce() will not make it one-off. Similarly, if a one-off listener already exists, listenOnce will not change it (it wil remain one-off).
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type | string | The event type id. | |
listener | function | Callback method. | |
useCapture | boolean | false | Whether to fire in capture phase. Learn more about capturing |
listenerScope | Object | Object in whose scope to call the listener. |
Object - Unique key for the listener.Try it:
Removes all listeners from an object. You can also optionally remove listeners of some particular type.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of event to remove, default is to remove all types. |
number - Number of listeners removed.Try it:
Getter for the right space.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
number | string - The right space.Try it:
Setter for the right space.
Name | Type | Description |
value | number | string | null | Value to set. |
anychart.core.utils.Margin - Self instance for method chaining.Try it:
Sets all offsets.
Detailed description
Can accept other Margin object or from 0 to 4 values (numbers or percent strings).
Margin values are set in a way they are set in CSS:
1) set(25, 50, 75, 100):
top space is 25
right space is 50
bottom space is 75
left space is 100
2) set(25, 50, 75):
top space is 25
right and left spaces are 50
bottom space is 75
3) set(25, 50):
top and bottom spaces are 25
right and left spaces are 50
4) set(25):
all four spaces are 25
Also can accept arrays and objects with 'left', 'top', 'right' and 'bottom' fields.
Note: set() - all four spaces are 0.
Margin values are set in a way they are set in CSS:
1) set(25, 50, 75, 100):
top space is 25
right space is 50
bottom space is 75
left space is 100
2) set(25, 50, 75):
top space is 25
right and left spaces are 50
bottom space is 75
3) set(25, 50):
top and bottom spaces are 25
right and left spaces are 50
4) set(25):
all four spaces are 25
Also can accept arrays and objects with 'left', 'top', 'right' and 'bottom' fields.
Note: set() - all four spaces are 0.
Name | Type | Description |
value1 | string | number | Array.<(number|string)> | Object | Margin object or top or top and bottom space. |
value2 | string | number | Right or right and left space. |
value3 | string | number | Bottom space. |
value4 | string | number | Left space. |
anychart.core.utils.Margin - Self instance for method chaining.Try it:
Getter for the top space.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
Returns previously set margin, not the derived pixel value.
number | string - The top space.Try it:
Setter for the top space.
Name | Type | Description |
value | number | string | null | Value to set. |
anychart.core.utils.Margin - Self instance for method chaining.Try it:
Removes a listener added using listen() or listenOnce() methods.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type | string | The event type id. | |
listener | function | Callback method. | |
useCapture | boolean | false | Whether to fire in capture phase. Learn more about capturing |
listenerScope | Object | Object in whose scope to call the listener. |
boolean - Whether any listener was removed.Try it:
Removes an event listener which was added with listen() by the key returned by listen() or listenOnce().
Name | Type | Description |
key | Object | The key returned by listen() or listenOnce(). |
boolean - Whether any listener was removed.Try it: