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namespace anychart.core.ui Improve this Doc

Namespace anychart.core.ui.

Classes Overview

anychart.core.ui.BackgroundBackground element class.
anychart.core.ui.CalloutCallout class.
anychart.core.ui.ChartCreditsDefine class Credits.
anychart.core.ui.ChartScrollerChart scroller class that also exposes position method that is used by chart.
anychart.core.ui.CircularLabelsFactoryClass for creation of sets of similar labels and management of such sets.
anychart.core.ui.CircularLabelsFactory.LabelClass for creation of sets of similar labels and management of such sets.
anychart.core.ui.ColorRangeColor range.
anychart.core.ui.CrosshairCrosshair class.
anychart.core.ui.CrosshairLabelCrosshairLabel class.
anychart.core.ui.DataGridData grid element.
anychart.core.ui.DataGrid.ColumnData grid column.
anychart.core.ui.LabelLabel element class.
anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactoryClass for creation of sets of similar labels and management of such sets.
anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory.LabelClass for creation of sets of similar labels and management of such sets.
anychart.core.ui.LegendLegend element.
anychart.core.ui.LegendItemInner class for representing legend item.
anychart.core.ui.MarkersFactoryMultiple markers class.
anychart.core.ui.MarkersFactory.MarkerMarker of the markers factory. Use data to set settings for the custom marker.
anychart.core.ui.OverlayOverlay element class.
anychart.core.ui.PaginatorPaginator base class.
anychart.core.ui.ScrollBarScroll bar.
anychart.core.ui.ScrollerScroller ui element
anychart.core.ui.Scroller.ThumbsThumbs settings. Doesn't draw anything, just contains settings and notifies the scroller about their change.
anychart.core.ui.SeparatorClass for a separator element.
anychart.core.ui.StageCreditsDefine class Credits.
anychart.core.ui.TableDeclares table element.
anychart.core.ui.TimelineClass for the Gantt chart timeline.
anychart.core.ui.TitleTitle element class.
anychart.core.ui.TooltipClass for the tooltip.