anychart.core.Base | Class implements all the work with consistency states. |
anychart.core.BubblePoint | Point representing bubble points that belongs to cartesian or scatter chart. |
anychart.core.Chart | Base class for all charts, contains the margins, the background and the title. |
anychart.core.ChartWithCredits | Base class for all charts, contains the margins, the background and the title. |
anychart.core.ChoroplethPoint | Point representing choropleth points that belongs to map. |
anychart.core.MapPoint | Series-based chart point. |
anychart.core.PiePoint | Point representing pie point. |
anychart.core.Point | Class that wraps point of series/chart. |
anychart.core.SeparateChart | Base class for all charts, contains the margins, the background and the title. |
anychart.core.SeriesBase | Base class for all base series.
anychart.core.SeriesPoint | Point representing all points that belongs to series-based chart. |
anychart.core.TagCloudStateSettings | Tag cloud state settings class. |
anychart.core.Text | This class is responsible of the text formatting, it processes the plain text and the text in HTML format. |
anychart.core.TreeMapPoint | Class that wraps point of series or chart. |
anychart.core.VisualBase | Base class for all elements. |
anychart.core.VisualBaseWithBounds | An extended base element that understands bounds settings and can handle percent values in it. |