{typedef} anychart.math.psar.Context Improve this Doc
Type definition for the context.
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | number | The current value of the acceleration factor (alpha). |
alphaIncrement | number | Increment value of the acceleration factor (alpha). |
alphaMax | number | Maximum value of the acceleration factor (alpha). |
alphaStart | number | The start value of the acceleration factor (alpha). |
currentDownTrendEP | number | The current value of EP for the downtrend. |
currentUpTrendEP | number | The current value of EP for the uptrend. |
dequeuedHigh | number | Dequeued of the high value. |
dequeuedLow | number | Dequeued of the low value. |
dispose | function | Dispose function. |
highQueue | anychart.math.CycledQueue | Queue for accumulation of high values. |
isUptrend | boolean | Whether to show the uptrend or no. |
lowQueue | anychart.math.CycledQueue | Queue for accumulation of low values. |
prevResult | number | Previous calculation result. |