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[enum] anychart.enums.EditorTabsImprove this Doc

Names of all the chart editor tabs.
cartesianAxesCartesian charts axes settings tabs.
circularRangesCircular gauges ranges settings tab.
colorRangeColor ranges settings tab.
colorScaleColor scales settings tab.
contextMenuContext menu settings tab.
creditsCredits settings tab.
dataLabelsSeries labels settings tab.
embedSave to cloud export tab.
gaugeAxesGauges axes settings tab.
gridsGrids settings tab.
jsonExport to JSON tab.
legendLegend settings tab.
pointersGauges pointers settings tab.
radarPolarAxesRadar and polar charts axes settings tab.
scalesScales settings tab.
scaleBarsScale bars settings tab.
seriesSeries settings tab.
sourceCodeExport to javascript settings tab.
specificChart specific settings tab.
themingTheming settings tab.
titleChart title settings tab.
tooltipTooltip settings tab.