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namespace anychart.palettes Improve this Doc

Namespace with palettes.

Constants Overview

blueThe blue palette
coffeeThe coffee palette
defaultPaletteThe default palette.
earthThe earth palette
glamourThe glamour palette
monochromeThe monochrome palette
morningThe morning palette
pastelThe pastel palette
provenceThe provence palette
seaThe sea palette
turquoiseThe turquoise palette
v6The v6 palette
winesThe wines palette

Functions Overview

distinctColors()Creates and returns new instance of distinct colors palette.
hatchFills()Creates and returns new instance of hatch fill palette.
markers()Creates and returns new instance of markers palette.
rangeColors()Creates and returns new instance of range colors palette.

Classes Overview

anychart.palettes.DistinctColorsColor palette class.
anychart.palettes.HatchFillsHatchFills palette class.
anychart.palettes.MarkersMarker palette.
anychart.palettes.RangeColorsGradient palette.

Constants Description

The blue palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#40c4ff', '#0288d1', '#01579b', '#9fa8da', '#5c6bc0', '#7e57c2', '#54dbdf', '#15a9c7', '#00897b', '#304ffe'.

Type: Array.

The coffee palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#482311', '#8d5932', '#d8b597', '#f2d1be', '#9b301c', '#d81e05', '#c5e1a5', '#558b2f', '#ffab00', '#e65100'.

Type: Array.

The default palette.

The current palette includes the next colors: '#64b5f6', '#1976d2', '#ef6c00', '#ffd54f', '#455a64', '#96a6a6', '#dd2c00', '#00838f', '#00bfa5', '#ffa000'.

Type: Array.

The earth palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#827717', '#c77532', '#998675', '#6b617b', '#c69c6d', '#d29b9b', '#879872', '#16685d', '#57a7b1', '#bdbdbd'.

Type: Array.

The glamour palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#f8bbd0', '#ce93d8', '#ab47bc', '#d81b60', '#880e4f', '#ffd600', '#ff6e40', '#03a9f4', '#5e35b1', '#1976d2'.

Type: Array.

The monochrome palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#37474f', '#757575', '#90a4ae', '#bdbdbd', '#e1e1e1'.

Type: Array.

The morning palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#0288d1', '#58abd7', '#ffe082', '#f8bbd0', '#f48fb1', '#bbdefb', '#d4e157', '#ff6e40', '#03a9f4', '#e1bee7'.

Type: Array.

The pastel palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#90caf9', '#80cbc4', '#aed581', '#e6ee9c', '#ffcc80', '#ffab91', '#f8bbd0', '#d1c4e9', '#9e9e9e', '#c7b299'.

Type: Array.

The provence palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#aa8ab3', '#b7cbe2', '#cdd18e', '#938d9c', '#6f5264', '#96246a', '#519790', '#6aabcc', '#61687d', '#7b8030'.

Type: Array.

The sea palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#a9e1d4', '#54dbdf', '#15a9c7', '#207fbf', '#c0aca5', '#8b8a92', '#dbcb8f', '#dba869', '#ffab00', '#00897b'.

Type: Array.

The turquoise palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#80deea', '#00acc1', '#00838f', '#29b6f6', '#0277bd', '#0277bd', '#8c9eff', '#9575cd', '#ce93d8', '#8e24aa'.

Type: Array.

The v6 palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#1D8BD1', '#F1683C', '#2AD62A', '#DBDC25', '#8FBC8B', '#D2B48C', '#FAF0E6', '#20B2AA', '#B0C4DE', '#DDA0DD', '#9C9AFF', '#9C3063', '#FFFFCE', '#CEFFFF', '#630063', '#FF8284', '#0065CE', '#CECFFF', '#000084', '#FF00FF', '#FFFF00', '#00FFFF', '#840084', '#840000', '#008284', '#0000FF', '#00CFFF', '#CEFFFF', '#CEFFCE', '#FFFF9C', '#9CCFFF', '#FF9ACE', '#CE9AFF', '#FFCF9C', '#3165FF', '#31CFCE', '#9CCF00', '#FFCF00', '#FF9A00', '#FF6500'.

Type: Array.

The wines palette

The current palette includes the next colors: '#6f3448', '#857600', '#f1a122', '#a50b01', '#400001', '#a98b80', '#c08081', '#86614e', '#c26364', '#615060'.

Type: Array.

Functions Description


Creates and returns new instance of distinct colors palette.


Creates and returns new instance of hatch fill palette.


Creates and returns new instance of markers palette.


Creates and returns new instance of range colors palette.