namespace anychart.palettes Improve this Doc
Namespace with palettes.
Constants Overview
blue | The blue palette |
coffee | The coffee palette |
defaultPalette | The default palette. |
earth | The earth palette |
glamour | The glamour palette |
monochrome | The monochrome palette |
morning | The morning palette |
pastel | The pastel palette |
provence | The provence palette |
sea | The sea palette |
turquoise | The turquoise palette |
v6 | The v6 palette |
wines | The wines palette |
Functions Overview
distinctColors() | Creates and returns new instance of distinct colors palette. |
hatchFills() | Creates and returns new instance of hatch fill palette. |
markers() | Creates and returns new instance of markers palette. |
rangeColors() | Creates and returns new instance of range colors palette. |
Classes Overview
anychart.palettes.DistinctColors | Color palette class. |
anychart.palettes.HatchFills | HatchFills palette class. |
anychart.palettes.Markers | Marker palette. |
anychart.palettes.RangeColors | Gradient palette. |
Constants Description
The blue palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#40c4ff', '#0288d1', '#01579b', '#9fa8da', '#5c6bc0', '#7e57c2', '#54dbdf', '#15a9c7', '#00897b', '#304ffe'.
Type: Array.
The coffee palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#482311', '#8d5932', '#d8b597', '#f2d1be', '#9b301c', '#d81e05', '#c5e1a5', '#558b2f', '#ffab00', '#e65100'.
Type: Array.
The default palette.
The current palette includes the next colors: '#64b5f6', '#1976d2', '#ef6c00', '#ffd54f', '#455a64', '#96a6a6', '#dd2c00', '#00838f', '#00bfa5', '#ffa000'.
Type: Array.
The earth palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#827717', '#c77532', '#998675', '#6b617b', '#c69c6d', '#d29b9b', '#879872', '#16685d', '#57a7b1', '#bdbdbd'.
Type: Array.
The glamour palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#f8bbd0', '#ce93d8', '#ab47bc', '#d81b60', '#880e4f', '#ffd600', '#ff6e40', '#03a9f4', '#5e35b1', '#1976d2'.
Type: Array.
The monochrome palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#37474f', '#757575', '#90a4ae', '#bdbdbd', '#e1e1e1'.
Type: Array.
The morning palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#0288d1', '#58abd7', '#ffe082', '#f8bbd0', '#f48fb1', '#bbdefb', '#d4e157', '#ff6e40', '#03a9f4', '#e1bee7'.
Type: Array.
The pastel palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#90caf9', '#80cbc4', '#aed581', '#e6ee9c', '#ffcc80', '#ffab91', '#f8bbd0', '#d1c4e9', '#9e9e9e', '#c7b299'.
Type: Array.
The provence palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#aa8ab3', '#b7cbe2', '#cdd18e', '#938d9c', '#6f5264', '#96246a', '#519790', '#6aabcc', '#61687d', '#7b8030'.
Type: Array.
The sea palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#a9e1d4', '#54dbdf', '#15a9c7', '#207fbf', '#c0aca5', '#8b8a92', '#dbcb8f', '#dba869', '#ffab00', '#00897b'.
Type: Array.
The turquoise palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#80deea', '#00acc1', '#00838f', '#29b6f6', '#0277bd', '#0277bd', '#8c9eff', '#9575cd', '#ce93d8', '#8e24aa'.
Type: Array.
The v6 palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#1D8BD1', '#F1683C', '#2AD62A', '#DBDC25', '#8FBC8B', '#D2B48C', '#FAF0E6', '#20B2AA',
'#B0C4DE', '#DDA0DD', '#9C9AFF', '#9C3063', '#FFFFCE', '#CEFFFF', '#630063', '#FF8284', '#0065CE', '#CECFFF', '#000084',
'#FF00FF', '#FFFF00', '#00FFFF', '#840084', '#840000', '#008284', '#0000FF', '#00CFFF', '#CEFFFF', '#CEFFCE', '#FFFF9C',
'#9CCFFF', '#FF9ACE', '#CE9AFF', '#FFCF9C', '#3165FF', '#31CFCE', '#9CCF00', '#FFCF00', '#FF9A00', '#FF6500'.
Type: Array.
The wines palette
The current palette includes the next colors: '#6f3448', '#857600', '#f1a122', '#a50b01', '#400001', '#a98b80', '#c08081', '#86614e', '#c26364', '#615060'.
Type: Array.
Functions Description
anychart.palettes.DistinctColors -Try it:
anychart.palettes.HatchFills -Try it:
anychart.palettes.RangeColors -Try it: