{typedef} anychart.math.kdj.Context Improve this Doc
Type definition for the context.
Name | Type | Description |
dMACalculate | function | Calculation %D function |
dMAContext | anychart.math.sma.Context | anychart.math.ema.Context | Object | EMA or SMA context to calculate %D. |
dMAType | anychart.enums.MovingAverageType | Indicator %D smoothing type. |
dMultiplier | number | The %D multiplier to calculate the % J values. |
dispose | function | Dispose function. |
highQueue | anychart.math.CycledQueue | High cycle queue. |
kMACalculate | function | Calculation function for the smoothed %K. |
kMAContext | anychart.math.sma.Context | anychart.math.ema.Context | Object | EMA or SMA context to calculate smoothing %K. |
kMAType | anychart.enums.MovingAverageType | Indicator %K smoothing type. |
kMultiplier | number | The %K multiplier to calculate the % J values. |
kPeriod | number | Indicator %K period. |
lowQueue | anychart.math.CycledQueue | Low cycle queue. |