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Hatch Fill types. Note! VML does not support hatch due to performance issues.
backward-diagonal The hatch fill type is backward diagonal.
checker-board The hatch fill type is checker board.
confetti The hatch fill type is confetti.
dashed-backward-diagonal The hatch fill type is dashed backward diagonal.
dashed-forward-diagonal The hatch fill type is dashed forward diagonal.
dashed-horizontal The hatch fill type is dashed horizontal.
dashed-vertical The hatch fill type is dashed vertical.
diagonal-brick The hatch fill type is diagonal brick.
diagonal-cross The hatch fill type is diagonal cross.
divot The hatch fill type is divot.
forward-diagonal The hatch fill type is forward diagonal.
grid The hatch fill type is grid.
horizontal The hatch fill type is horizontal.
horizontal-brick The hatch fill type is horizontal brick.
percent05 The hatch fill type is percent 05.
percent10 The hatch fill type is percent 10.
percent20 The hatch fill type is percent 20.
percent25 The hatch fill type is percent 25.
percent30 The hatch fill type is percent 30.
percent40 The hatch fill type is percent 40.
percent50 The hatch fill type is percent 50.
percent60 The hatch fill type is percent 60.
percent70 The hatch fill type is percent 70.
percent75 The hatch fill type is percent 75.
percent80 The hatch fill type is percent 80.
percent90 The hatch fill type is percent 90.
plaid The hatch fill type is plaid.
solid-diamond The hatch fill type is solid diamond
vertical The hatch fill type is vertical.
vertical-brick The hatch fill type is vertical brick.
weave The hatch fill type is weave.
zig-zag The hatch fill type is zig zag.