[enum] anychart.enums.StatisticsImprove this Doc
Statistics enumeration.
Value | Description | Example |
average | The average value from the data. | |
bubbleSize | The bubble size value of this point (Bubble chart). | |
bubbleSizePercentOfCategory | The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents (Categorized charts). | |
bubbleSizePercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this point represents. | |
bubbleSizePercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. | |
categoryName | The name of the category. | |
categoryYAverage | The average of all the points within this category. | |
categoryYMax | The max of all the points within this category. | |
categoryYMedian | The median of all the points within this category. | |
categoryYMin | The min of all the points within this category. | |
categoryYMode | The mode of all the points within this category. | |
categoryYPercentOfTotal | The percent of all the data on the chart this category represents. | |
categoryYRangeAverage | The average range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangeMax | The maximal range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangeMedian | The median range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangeMin | The minimal range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangeMode | The mode range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangePercentOfTotal | The minimal range in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYRangeSum | The sum of all ranges in this category (Range charts). | |
categoryYSum | The sum of all the points within this category. | |
chartElements | Object with the number of axes, grids and series (chart elements). | |
close | The close value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). | |
count | Number of points from the data. | |
dataPlotBubbleMaxSize | The maximal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). | |
dataPlotBubbleMinSize | The minimal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). | |
dataPlotBubbleSizeAverage | The average bubble size of all the points (Scatter plot charts). | |
dataPlotBubbleSizeSum | The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). | |
dataPlotMaxXSumSeriesName | The name of the series with a maximal sum of the points X values. | |
dataPlotMaxXValuePointSeriesName | The name of the series with a maximal of all the points X values. | |
dataPlotMaxYSumSeriesName | The name of the series with a maximal sum of the points y values. | |
dataPlotMaxYValuePointSeriesName | The name of the series with a maximal of all the points y values. | |
dataPlotMinXSumSeriesName | The name of the series with a minimal sum of the points X values. | |
dataPlotMinXValuePointSeriesName | The name of the series with a minimal of all the points X values. | |
dataPlotMinYSumSeriesName | The name of the series with a minimal sum of the points y values. | |
dataPlotMinYValuePointSeriesName | The name of the series with a minimal of all the points y values. | |
dataPlotPointCount | The number of the points within the chart. | |
dataPlotSeriesCount | The number of the series within the chart. | |
dataPlotXAverage | The average X value of all the points (Scatter plot charts). | |
dataPlotXMax | The maximal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). | |
dataPlotXMin | The minimal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). | |
dataPlotXSum | The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). | |
dataPlotYAverage | The average Y value of all the points. | |
dataPlotYMax | The maximal of all the points y values. | |
dataPlotYMin | The minimal of all the points y values. | |
dataPlotYRangeMax | The maximal of the ranges of the points within the chart. | |
dataPlotYRangeMin | The minimal of the ranges of the points within the chart. | |
dataPlotYRangeSum | The sum of the ranges of the points within the chart. | |
dataPlotYSum | The sum of all the points y values. | |
high | The high value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). | |
index | The index of this point in the series this point represents (zero-based). | |
levels | Statistics by data tree levels for the Sunburst chart. Returns object with statistics. | |
low | The low value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). | |
max | The maximum value from the data. | |
min | The minimum value from the data. | |
name | The name of this point. | |
open | The open value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). | |
pertChartCriticalPathStandardDeviation | Standard deviation for critical path. | |
pertChartProjectDuration | Duration of project. | |
pointsCount | Points count. | |
range | The range of this point (RangeEnd - RangeStart). | |
rangeEnd | The ending value of this point (Range charts). | |
rangeStart | The starting value of this point (Range charts). | |
seriesAverage | Series average. | |
seriesBubbleMaxSize | The maximal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). | |
seriesBubbleMinSize | The minimal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). | |
seriesBubbleSizeAverage | The average bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). | |
seriesBubbleSizeMedian | The median bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). | |
seriesBubbleSizeMode | The mode bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). | |
seriesBubbleSizeSum | The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). | |
seriesFirstXValue | The X value of the first point in this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesFirstYValue | The Y value of the first point in this series. | |
seriesLastXValue | The X value of the last point in this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesLastYValue | The Y value of the first point in this series. | |
seriesMax | Series maximum. | |
seriesMin | Series minimum. | |
seriesName | The name of this series. | |
seriesPointsCount | The number of points in this series. | |
seriesPointCount | The number of points in this series. | |
seriesSum | Series sum. | |
seriesXAverage | The average X value of all the points within this series. | |
seriesXMax | The maximal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesXMedian | The median X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesXMin | The minimal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesXMode | The mode X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesXSum | The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). | |
seriesYAverage | The average Y value of all the points within this series. | |
seriesYMax | The maximal Y value of all the elements within this series. | |
seriesYMedian | The median Y value of all the points within this series. | |
seriesYMin | The minimal Y value of all the elements within this series. | |
seriesYMode | The mode Y value of all the points within this series. | |
seriesYRangeAverage | The average of all ranges in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYRangeMax | The maximal range in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYRangeMedian | The median range in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYRangeMin | The minimal range in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYRangeMode | The mode range in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYRangeSum | The sum of all ranges in this series (Range charts). | |
seriesYSum | The sum of all the points y values. | |
sum | The sum of all the points y values. | |
value | The Y value of this point. | |
xPercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this point represents (Scatter Plot charts). | |
xPercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. | |
xScalesMax | Maximum value of X scales. | |
xScalesMin | Minimum value of X scales. | |
xValue | The X value of this point (Scatter Plot charts). | |
yPercentOfCategory | The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents. | |
yPercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this point represents. | |
yPercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. | |
yScalesMax | Maximum value of Y scales. | |
yScalesMin | Minimum value of Y scales. | |
yValue | The Y value of this point. |